My name is Claire Le Duc and I'm a pre-med neuroscience major. For my first year at UVM, I was selected into the LSS LASP, or the Life Science Scholars of the Liberal Arts Program. I was interested in this program because it would allow me to make connections with professors and peers. A plus of this program is also living in Living/Learning, which has suite-style rooms. I was interested in a smaller, closely-knit program and I felt that the LSS LASP would allow me to do that.
Our TAP class, Nobel Prize Winners with Dr. Bryan Ballif, was very interesting and demonstrated the breadth of scientific research and how to develop a meaningful research project. Dr. Bryan Ballif is a great advisor and helped me with scheduling appropriately for my major and career track. I felt that I was able to connect with the students well in that classroom environment. In the spring, I took BIOL 096, a CURE class for LSS LASP students. Using data from Dr. Laura-May-Collado's library, we were able to develop a research project and present at the UVM Student Research Conference. My group developed a project that analyzes biodiversity through aquatic soundscapes. Even though I am a neuroscience major, I was able to gain knowledge about developing a plan, gathering data, and planning a research project that is a good fit for the time frame. I know that this experience will benefit me throughout my undergraduate and graduate school experience, regardless of what I end up pursuing.
I think the most valuable experience from this program was the friends I made. I became best friends with some of my classmates. I believe that the LSS program brings students with similar academic values and performance goals together and allowed me to meet people I'm sure I'll be close friends with for years. To any student considering this program, I strongly encourage that you apply and look through Professor May-Collado's and Dr. Bryan Ballif's websites to learn about what you can do with this program!
Our TAP class, Nobel Prize Winners with Dr. Bryan Ballif, was very interesting and demonstrated the breadth of scientific research and how to develop a meaningful research project. Dr. Bryan Ballif is a great advisor and helped me with scheduling appropriately for my major and career track. I felt that I was able to connect with the students well in that classroom environment. In the spring, I took BIOL 096, a CURE class for LSS LASP students. Using data from Dr. Laura-May-Collado's library, we were able to develop a research project and present at the UVM Student Research Conference. My group developed a project that analyzes biodiversity through aquatic soundscapes. Even though I am a neuroscience major, I was able to gain knowledge about developing a plan, gathering data, and planning a research project that is a good fit for the time frame. I know that this experience will benefit me throughout my undergraduate and graduate school experience, regardless of what I end up pursuing.
I think the most valuable experience from this program was the friends I made. I became best friends with some of my classmates. I believe that the LSS program brings students with similar academic values and performance goals together and allowed me to meet people I'm sure I'll be close friends with for years. To any student considering this program, I strongly encourage that you apply and look through Professor May-Collado's and Dr. Bryan Ballif's websites to learn about what you can do with this program!

This is a representation of the soundscape of the marine community I studied during my research project in the spring semester. The figure shows proportion of acoustic events per time of day (h) and frequency band (Hz)